Zoom Meeting Notes: June 3, 2024
Website/Tech: the website is going to be shifting to a new look, logo, and URL now that we have gotten the thumbs up from the UK to move forward with their branding. There are still details here to be ironed out and we will keep everyone up to date.
Regarding the website: I will be switching things around on the site this week - please give me a few days to work out the details we talked about today on the call. Keep in mind, there may be times the site is not accessible at all. The new logo and look of the site will mimic the UK site and the new URL will be www.smartphonefreechildhoodus.com or www.smartphonefreechildhoodusa.com - both will work, as will our original URL (smartphonefreekid). Currently, I believe they are all working, I am just waiting for the certificate to clear so that the childhood url is our primary (tech talk).
WhatsApp: we are going to switch to a community model which will benefit the group as we grow. There are a few folks who have volunteered to help with this - Jennifer Henderson has a list of names. We will communicate progress and updates accordingly. For now, nothing will change as we look at the details of making this switch.
Newsletters: we are going to move to 1 newsletter per month. Our newsletter will include a re-cap of things happening on WhatsApp (US), thank you Christina Dinur for volunteering to track our chat! It will also contain information about upcoming events/meetings. We will continue to showcase success stories and tips for our community. I think we might need more volunteers for the newsletter -- let us know if you're interested!
Summer strategies: hang flyers at local libraries, YMCA's, and other public places in your community to let other parents know we are out here! Kim Whitman has volunteered to build a flyer for us - I will prepare QR codes and new links for her ASAP.
There was some talk about products - a shop - where parents can get things like flyers and stickers, maybe t-shirts -- I will be looking into how the UK team does it and keep you all posted.
Our next meetings will be held on:
Monday, June 24 at 12pm EST
Monday, August 5 at 12pm EST
*please mark your calendars - I will send the zoom link for both in the next newsletter and also in the WhatsApp group.
Zoom Meeting Notes: May 28, 2024
It is looking great thanks to the tremendous work by Carol-from all of us thank you!!
There is a need to pare down some of the content links/resources as to not overwhelm the end user. We want the messaging to be succinct. @Carol Jeske would it be helpful to have a volunteer or two here?
We discussed it would be great to add some success stories - please share them. Plan to feature one a week with a link to a page to see more stories. *action - share any success stories with schools, administrations, local legislation, other parents, church groups etc *
It was suggested to more prominently highlight the work of Catherine Price that was recently on her substack. https://catherineprice.substack.com/p/resources-for-kids-smartphones-social?r=a6rh&triedRedirect=true
Carol brought up spending a little time talking about what people can do this summer to affect change in their schools and communities even though it is summer break (maybe a checklist of opportunities). I’m happy to work on this with anyone who is interested.
There was a great discussion with Sunny regarding getting dads more involved.
Lastly - we discussed when to “share” this group. Right now, we are waiting to hear from the UK regarding the licensing of the name. As soon as we have that buttoned up we will be ready. People have been sharing with others that are active in the movement and that is fine.. we just hope to have all our ducks in a row soon to be able to share this far and wide and hopefully reach the critical mass that the UK is seeing! 🙂 We should have more news on the UK next week.